Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yes! I got a full time x-ray job! It's at a clinic in Sartell, MN called the "Interventional Pain and Physical Medicine Clinic." We're very excited and hoping it will be great experience. It's a one doctor clinic who does muscle and spine treatments. I'll be the only x-ray tech there and the job will consist more of nursing duties than x-ray, but either way it'll be great. The hours are great with no call, no holidays or weekends.
Check the place out if you're interested at .
So that's obviously what we're thankful for this holiday season! Thanksgiving was great. We did a Thanksgiving lunch at Dad and Callie's followed by a dinner at my grandparents.
We stayed at Bob and Kathy's while they were in PA for Thanksgiving. We stayed in Fairmont for a couple days and relaxed. We saw the movie "Twilight" Friday night and we actually thought it was pretty good. We were skeptical we wouldn't like it because we're not 13 year old girls, but it was pretty good. We actually started reading the book series.
Speaking of books, I just read "The Shack" and it was amazing! I loved it. I read it in 2 days (and I'm not a very fast reader)! You should really read it. It really touched my heart.

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