Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Weekend To Remember!

This past weekend Nathan and I went to a marriage conference!

It's called 'Weekend to Remember.' It's put on by Family Life which is a branch of Campus Crusade for Christ. Nathan's brother and his wife (Ryan and Gretchen) gave us this conference as our wedding gift and we were finally able to attend!

It was at the Marriot City Center in downtown Minneapolis. It was a very big event with around 1200 people!

It was a great conference and we would definitely recommend it for any couple!

Saturday was our favorite day. It was the longest day of the conference. We got to have lunch and dinner downtown which was a HUGE treat.

We had lunch at an Italian place called Zelo. And for dinner we went to Seven Steakhouse and Sushi. It was amazing!
It was so much fun to spend the weekend together and learning ways to strengthen our marriage.
It was also great getting to hang out in Minneapolis. And I LOVE it when we get to try out new places!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Long Time, No Talk

Hey Everybody.

So it's been forever since I've posted anything. Sorry about that. I was afraid of that happening.

Well, things have been good for us.

Since we've last talked I've been offered a full time job in xray which I've accepted. It's at an urgent care in Northfield, MN. A doctor that both Nathan and I have worked with at Apple Valley is opening it up. And work should begin around the second week of April.

In the mean time I've been picking up shifts at the hospital in Waconia and at Apple Valley. In between that, I had a hardware surgery to get all of my screws and nails out of my foot and ankle. So that feels so AWESOME to have all that stuff out.

Nathan is working at Apple Valley and getting things organized for the upcoming year. School applications for D.O and nursing schools as well as getting ready for the MCAT. His hours have been cut at work due to the economy of course so he's been great at taking care of the apartment and things while I'm working.

Nathan's sister Anna and her girls came to MN for a week and we were able to spend a bunch of time with them which was so great.

That about does it for us. Hope all is well with you!