Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sorry...there I go again!

Of course, I fell off the edge again and have failed to post for a while now! So the last post I think said that we were going to move...and we did!

We moved into a great town house in Northfield. And also since then, Nathan has started full time at Northfield Urgent Care...and big surprise...I started another new job. I had been working full time at Northfield Urgent Care, but then an MRI job became available.

I had applied at the company: Shared Medical Services back in January, but they decided to not fill the position. But then in July, I got a call, and there was an opening. And I pretty much had to take it because of the educational opportunity. And it also means more money in the future.

So I was offered the job and took it. It's a mobile company out of Wisconsin. So the MRI scanner is in the back of a truck and we travel around southern Minnesota to small facilities. It's very interesting and unique.

THEN, in August we moved and that's been really great as well. It's so nice having a house now. Spare bedroom, double garage, deck, and a lot more room! It's been great!

Well, that's all the big news for now! I'll try and get back in the groove of things and write more!

Love you guys! :)