Saturday, January 15, 2011

About one post a year isn't bad, right?!

Lots of things changing for us this year. Again. Last time I updated, Reagan had just joined the family and now she's over a year old! She's great and we're glad to have her.

In other news, I'm still doing mobile MRI. Thankful to have a job.

Nathan has had many changes this last year. He's no longer attending St. Olaf and no longer working at Northfield Urgent Care.
St. Olaf was a great school, but we unfortunately learned that the degree they offer (B.A.N-Bachelors of Arts in Nursing) is not the degree that the Army accepts. They want a B.S.N (Bachelors of Science in Nursing).
And that's his main goal, to be a nurse in the Army. Along with that, his dream is to work in a war zone like Afghanistan. Believe it or not, I'm ok with it. More about that later.

The Army is a little confusing, but our B.I.L, Parker is a nurse in the Army, and has been really helpful in navigating our way around. We really appreciate him.

So this is where life gets crazy.
He's been accepted to a nursing school in Louisville, KY that starts in May. It's an accelerated program and it's the degree he needs. Also, Nathan's sister and her husband (Anna and Parker) live down there right now so we'd have family there! :)

But in the meantime, Nathan's applied to the University of Minnesota to their Master of Nursing Program. This is our first choice for sure. One, it's a masters program, so he'd get a higher level degree. The one in KY is another bachelor degree.
It's also accelerated at 16 months. There are a lot of benefits in him going to the U as much as I'd love to get out of state for a while.
We won't find out about the U until March or so. He first needs to get an interview and then from there, it will be decided.
The program is very competitive. They take 300ish applicants. Interview 100ish. Accept 64. Yikes!
We do have hope though because he's very qualified for the program and being a male can only help our cause.

If Nathan doesn't get into the U of M though, things will happen very fast. He won't find out about the U until March or even April and Nathan starts class in Louisville May 9th. That may mean I have to stay behind for a while getting things together. Thankfully, we've been invited to stay with Anna and Parker while we're down there which is an amazing blessing for us.

So...we wait. It's much easier typed than done. We're trying to stay busy. Nathan's working on getting some prerequisite work done for the U and I'm always very busy with work. Nathan's working at Apple Valley Medical Center now where he's worked in the past and he enjoys that.

I'm also trying to get in touch with my crafty side. I've finished a lot of unfinished projects in the last 6 months or so. Knitting, scrap-booking, sewing, organizing.
It helps. And gives me that sense of control I feel I need. ;)

This sounds a little pathetic, but I really feel like this is one of the biggest tests of my faith as well as for our marriage. We've had some curve balls thrown at us in the past, but this seems to top them all.
I do know that God is good and He has a plan, but it's very hard waiting. Especially during which I'm at a job I don't love or even like most of the time.
I am very much a planner and I can't do any of that right now.
I know there's reason for it and that good things will come from this time of the unknown.

So that's our life right now. Confusing. Fun. Stressful. Exciting.

I know this is very common verse, but I cling to it during this time.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11